The Faith Feeds Food Pantry is an extension of the ministries of All Saints Lutheran Church. It operates out of the Community Resource Center at 1585 N Rand Rd, Palatine. If you or someone you know is in need of groceries, we distribute at that location from 4pm-6pm every Thursday and 9am-12pm every Saturday morning. We also supply emergency food staples through local schools.

About the Food Pantry

The purpose of Faith Feeds is to supply food to underserved individuals in the Northwest Suburbs of Cook County, including the communities of Rolling Meadows, Palatine, Mount Prospect and Arlington Heights. We are an agency of the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Our goals are to provide a healthy choice of food at both our Pantry on Rand and our Pantry on Wheels, which brings food weekly to different apartment communities on a rotating basis. Our mobile pantry allows us to expand our service area and reach people with limited mobility. We partner with other entities to provide services and foster community.


How Can I Help?

There are also a number of volunteer opportunities available to help make this ministry happen. On week days, volunteers receive and sort donations, stock shelves, and package groceries for distribution. Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings, volunteers prepare bags of food, direct traffic, help clients select groceries, and load food into client vehicles. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.


We also accept donations of unexpired non-perishable food items. Common items needed are rice, beans, canned fruit and vegetables, pasta and sauce, and peanut butter. Food donations are received at the ASFP Thursday mornings from 10-Noon; other arrangements can be made for drop-offs. Please contact us with questions. Monetary donations can be directed to All Saints for the Food Pantry.