It takes many hands, smiles, and voices for worship and education at All Saints. We would love to have you participate! If you have not volunteered before in a particular capacity, we are happy to provide training so you’re comfortable with the task.
Assisting Minister
This person helps lead worship; they sing part of the liturgy, lead the congregation in prayer, and serve communion. All of the sung and spoken parts are provided for you. Choose a spot on SignUp.
Communion Assistant
This person collects the cups used during communion. Choose a spot on SignUp.
Communion Server
This person assists with communion by passing out the tray with wine and grape juice. Choose a spot on SignUp.
Confirmation Teachers
These people teach the lesson to our 6-8th grade students on Sunday morning; class meets from 9:45-10:45. Curriculum is provided. Choose a spot on SignUp.
This person reads the First and Second Scripture readings for worship. You will receive the lessons ahead of time. While we are worshiping in an online format, we ask you to provide an audio recording of the reading. Choose a spot on SignUp
Council Person On Duty (CPOD)
Our council members serve as a welcoming presence on Sunday mornings while tending to many of the logistical details needed. Choose a spot on SignUp
Usher – Youth and Adult
Ushers greet people, provide them with bulletins before worship, answer questions as needed, assist in collecting the offering, and direct people for communion. They work in teams of 3-4 people. Choose a spot on SignUp
Streaming Tech
With our return to in-person worship and a desire to maintain a quality worship experience for those who will not be able to gather with us, we need a dedicated sound room technician for each Sunday. Responsibilities will include managing the sound mixer and Facebook streaming. Training will be provided but a familiarity and comfort with computers and technology is a plus. Choose a spot on SignUp