Summer Suppers
All Saints participates in an ecumenical project that serves community meals to people with food insecurity during the summer. Although many guests at Summer Suppers also use the PADS network during the cold-weather months, All Saints makes a concerted effort to extend the invitation to patrons of local food pantries and senior centers as well as clients of other social service agencies. Anyone is welcome to join us for a nutritious, simple supper. 2024 Schedule.
Summer Suppers
All Saints participates in a faith-based program that serves community meals once a month during the summer months when the PADS shelters are not open. Although most of the guests at Summer Suppers also regularly use the shelter network in the cold-weather months, at All Saints we extend the invitation to patrons of local food pantries as well as senior centers and the WINGS program. Anyone is welcome to join us for a nutritious, simple supper.
How Can I Help?
Similar to PADS we need both cooks and shoppers and volunteers to serve the meal. There is a sign-up book listing both food and volunteer needs in the church narthex.
Cooks prepare the requested menu items or purchase fresh fruit, other un-cooked foods and beverages. Each box on the sign-up page indicates a specified number of servings; sign up for what you are comfortable donating.
Hosting our guests and serving supper requires a dozen volunteers each month. They set up the dining room and serving line; warm entrée, vegetables and side dishes if necessary; serve the supper; distribute water, fruit, energy bars and other items offered to guests as the leave; bus table; wash dishes; and clean up at the end of the night. These volunteers work 2½ – 3 hours. Unlike PADS, no training is required. Summer Suppers is an ideal opportunity for families to work together. Teens and tweens, working with a parent, are welcome to volunteer.
Need More Information?
Send an email to [email protected] or contact one of the coordinators.